Archive for August, 2017
Experience Shorter Recovery Times With An Endoscopic Brow Lift
Published on August 31, 2017 by The Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton
As the years take a toll on the body, the earliest signs of aging often reveal themselves on the face before anything else. You might have noticed certain horizontal or vertical lines appearing on the forehead or between the eyebrows. These lines are caused by constant muscle movement and can make us appear older than […]
Reshape and Lift the Breasts With Plastic Surgery
Published on August 17, 2017 by The Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton
A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that can help lift sagging breasts in women and redefine the shape and contour of the breast muscles. A breast lift addresses a range of problems such as drooping breasts, loss of skin elasticity, sagging nipples, and overstretched areolas. Every year, thousands of […]