Give Your Arms a More Sculpted Appearance


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Do you have bat arms? Are you unable to wear sleeveless and short sleeved clothing because you’re embarrassed of how your flabby underarms will look? Don’t lose sleep over it. Consider a brachioplasty, more commonly called an arm lift.

The natural aging process and genetics are both to blame for sagging skin. Sometimes rapid weight loss may also be the culprit. An arm lift takes care of all this sagging skin in the upper arms by eliminating the excess skin and fat that accumulates in the area. It does this all while tightening and smoothing the remaining tissue. Your underarms will look more toned and firm after undergoing the surgery.

Preparing for the Arm Lift Surgery

Before undergoing the surgery, you will be given a set of instructions that you will need to follow to ensure a good result and a fast recovery. If you are a smoker or you drink alcohol, you will need to stop a month or two prior to getting an arm lift done. It will greatly reduce your chance of complications. When you smoke and drink, your wounds heal slower than usual increasing your risk of infection.

Your doctor will undertake a preoperative evaluation a few weeks before the surgery. He will then take into account your medical history and current health conditions. They will also check for any undetected medical conditions that may complicate the surgery.

The preoperative evaluation may include – a prescription of pre-operative medication, an electrocardiogram, lab work, a chest X-ray and adjusting your dose of current medication and supplements.

The doctor will be able to gain an understanding as to the safest approach to carry out the surgery after he has executed this evaluation. It is advised that you stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen at least two weeks before your surgery.

The Arm Lift Procedure

The doctor starts with making marks on your arm where he plans to make the incisions. While there are many ways of performing a brachioplasty, the most common method involves making incisions to the back of your arm or on the inside. Another technique is to make an armpit incision that extends from the top of your elbow all the way to your armpit.

Next, local/general anesthesia is administered depending on the surgical procedure your doctor deems fit. Now, via the incisions made, the doctor tightens or reshapes your upper arm tissues. After doing this, he pulls the skin back over the tissue and stitches up the surgical wound.

Many times, liposuction is used alongside an arm lift to treat extra layers of fat that may make healing difficult for your arm. The procedure is completed within three hours time.

You should make sure to have someone available to drive you home and help you out with certain chores at home to ensure that you don’t have any issues and that you have the right amount of time to rest and relax.

Arm Lift Recovery

As with any surgery, the arm lift may cause you some amount of discomfort, but if it becomes too much to handle, your doctor can prescribe medication to help you feel more comfortable. Swelling may occur and you might have to wear a compression garment to keep this under control.

A temporary drainage tube may be inserted into your arm to drain any blood/fluid build-up post-surgery. You will most likely be provided postoperative care instructions regarding medications, warning signs, aftercare and when to schedule your next appointment. Avoid smoking to speed up the healing process. You should be able to return to your usual activities within two weeks. It may take up to six weeks for you to return to your regular activity levels.

Contact Our Office

To learn more about the procedure, contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton to set up a consultation. Our surgeons are highly skilled and ready to assist you from start to finish.

Good people very caring , I don’t have family here in Ohio so having a staff that cares means a lot to this southern gal !

P.R. Google

Dr. Hedrick carefully closed a fairly large hole left by removal of a deep melanoma removed from mom's temple by another excellent surgeon, Dr. Tuttle from Kettering oncology. Very happy with his work at only the third day following surgery. Minimal drainage, almost no swelling, and very light, almost unnoticeable bruising. 0 pain unless I press to hard in cleaning as directed. Far better than I was expecting. Personally, I find him very personable with a good sense of humor that is appropriately applied in timely fashion. He thoughtfully explains each step and thoroughly answers any questions. I can't imagine what else we could expect beyond what he has provided. Thank you!

R.R. Google

Amazing group.

M.P. Google

Dr. Hedrick was great! He got me into the office quickly, took the time to explain everything and alleviated all my concerns about the size of the scar needed to remove my skin cancer.

D.H. Google

I love Dr Fox and everyone at this office!

L.C. Google


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