Surgery Consent Forms

ASPS Abdominoplasty Consent

ASPS Abdominoplasty Consent

ASPS Abdominoplasty Consent

ASPS Autologous Consent

ASPS Autologous Consent

ASPS Blepharoplasty Consent

ASPS Blepharoplasty Consent

ASPS Body Lift Consent

ASPS Body Lift Consent

ASPS Brachioplasty Consent

ASPS Brachioplasty Consent

ASPS Breast Aug Larger Implant

ASPS Breast Aug Larger Implant

ASPS Breast Aug Saline Consent

ASPS Breast Aug Saline Consent

ASPS Breast Aug Silicone

ASPS Breast Aug Silicone

ASPS Breast Implant Capsules

ASPS Breast Implant Capsules

ASPS Breast Implant Exchange

ASPS Breast Implant Exchange

ASPS Breast Implant Removal

ASPS Breast Implant Removal

ASPS Breast Lift Mastopexy

ASPS Breast Lift Mastopexy

ASPS Breast Latissimus Muscle

ASPS Breast Latissimus Muscle

ASPS Breast Recon with Diep

ASPS Breast Recon with Diep

ASPS Breast Tissue Expander

ASPS Breast Tissue Expander

ASPS Breast Recon TRAM

ASPS Breast Recon TRAM

ASPS Breast Reduction Consent

ASPS Breast Reduction Consent

ASPS Breast - Mastectomy

ASPS Breast - Mastectomy

ASPS Brow Lift Consent

ASPS Brow Lift Consent

ASPS Buttock Lift Consent

ASPS Buttock Lift Consent

ASPS Carpal Tunnel Release

ASPS Carpal Tunnel Release

ASPS Chemical Skin Peels

ASPS Chemical Skin Peels

ASPS Ear Lobe Consent

ASPS Ear Lobe Consent

ASPS Extensor Tendon Repair

ASPS Extensor Tendon Repair

ASPS Facelift Surgery

ASPS Facelift Surgery

ASPS Facial Fracture Repair

ASPS Facial Fracture Repair

ASPS Facial Implant Surgery

ASPS Facial Implant Surgery

ASPS Fat Transfer Breast

ASPS Fat Transfer Breast

ASPS Fat Transfer Face

ASPS Fat Transfer Face

ASPS Fat Transfer Hand

ASPS Fat Transfer Hand

ASPS Fat Transfer Procedures

ASPS Fat Transfer Procedures

ASPS Flexor Tendon Repair

ASPS Flexor Tendon Repair

ASPS Free Myocutaneous Flap

ASPS Free Myocutaneous Flap

ASPS Ganglion Cyst Surgery

ASPS Ganglion Cyst Surgery

ASPS General Risks of Surgery

ASPS General Risks of Surgery

ASPS Gynecomastia Surgery

ASPS Gynecomastia Surgery

ASPS Hepatitis HIV Test

ASPS Hepatitis HIV Test

ASPS Labiaplasty v.2 Consent

ASPS Labiaplasty v.2 Consent

ASPS Laser generic IC

ASPS Laser generic IC

ASPS Laser Hair Removal

ASPS Laser Hair Removal

ASPS Laser Resurfacing

ASPS Laser Resurfacing

ASPS Laser Resurfacing

ASPS Laser Resurfacing

ASPS Lip Implant

ASPS Lip Implant

ASPS Liposuction Consent

ASPS Liposuction Consent

ASPS Medial Thigh Lift Consent

ASPS Medial Thigh Lift Consent

ASPS Mini Abdominoplasty

ASPS Mini Abdominoplasty

ASPS Myocutaneous Flap Consent

ASPS Myocutaneous Flap Consent

ASPS Nailbed Repair Consent

ASPS Nailbed Repair Consent

ASPS Nasal Injury Repair

ASPS Nasal Injury Repair

ASPS Neck lift Informed

ASPS Neck lift Informed

ASPS Nipple Reconstruction

ASPS Nipple Reconstruction

ASPS Non Ablative Treatment

ASPS Non Ablative Treatment

ASPS Orbital Floor Fracture

ASPS Orbital Floor Fracture

ASPS Otoplasty Informed

ASPS Otoplasty Informed

ASPS Panniculectomy Consent

ASPS Panniculectomy Consent

ASPS Partial Facelift Surgery

ASPS Partial Facelift Surgery

ASPS Pectoral Chest Implant

ASPS Pectoral Chest Implant

ASPS Repair of Skin Defects

ASPS Repair of Skin Defects

ASPS Rhinoplasty Consent

ASPS Rhinoplasty Consent

ASPS Breast Implant Deflation

ASPS Breast Implant Deflation

ASPS Scar Revision Surgery

ASPS Scar Revision Surgery

ASPS Septoplasty Consent

ASPS Septoplasty Consent

ASPS Skin Graft Surgery

ASPS Skin Graft Surgery

ASPS Skin Tumor Lesion Surgery

ASPS Skin Tumor Lesion Surgery

ASPS Surgical Lip Lift Consent

ASPS Surgical Lip Lift Consent

ASPS Tip Rhinoplasty Consent

ASPS Tip Rhinoplasty Consent

ASPS Trigger Finger Consent

ASPS Trigger Finger Consent

ASPS Upper Extremity Fracture

ASPS Upper Extremity Fracture

ASPS Cheekbone Fracture Repair

ASPS Cheekbone Fracture Repair

ASPS Buccal Fat Removal

ASPS Buccal Fat Removal

ASPS DeQuervain Disease

ASPS DeQuervain Disease

ASPS Hyaluronic Acid Filler

ASPS Hyaluronic Acid Filler

ASPS Buttock Augmentation

ASPS Buttock Augmentation

By Fat Transfer

ASPS Dupuytren Disease Surgery

ASPS Dupuytren Disease Surgery

ASPS Botulinum Toxins Botox

ASPS Botulinum Toxins Botox

ASPS Cosmetic Tattoo Generic

ASPS Cosmetic Tattoo Generic

ASPS Facial Volume Filler

ASPS Facial Volume Filler

ASPS Buttock Augmentation

ASPS Buttock Augmentation

with Implants

ASPS Congenital Reconstruction

ASPS Congenital Reconstruction

Cleft Lip Cleft Palate

ASPS Medical Records Release

ASPS Medical Records Release

ASPS Pre-Op Patient Info

ASPS Pre-Op Patient Info

ASPS Microvascular Surgery

ASPS Microvascular Surgery

ASPS Placement Breast Implant

ASPS Placement Breast Implant

ASPS Soft Tissue Filler

ASPS Soft Tissue Filler

ASPS Patient Photograph

ASPS Patient Photograph

and Video Release Form

ASPS Kybella Informed Consent

ASPS Kybella Informed Consent

ASPS Micronerve Consent

ASPS Micronerve Consent

ASPS Off-Label Use of ADMs

ASPS Off-Label Use of ADMs

rev April 2021

ASPS Nipple Tattooing Consent

ASPS Nipple Tattooing Consent

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.